Startling Facts You Should Know About the Ancient Egyptian Culture

Estimated read time 3 min read

Egypt is a country in North Africa known for its ancient civilization and beautiful landscape. From the famous pyramids to the mysterious Sphinx, ancient Egypt has captured people’s imaginations for centuries. While we know many things about this ancient culture, there are also many things we don’t know. Here are some startling facts about the ancient Egyptian culture you should know before you tour to Egypt:

  1. The Nile:

The Nile is the longest river in the world. It runs through Egypt and is a key to understanding the country’s history and culture. The Nile has been a source of life for centuries, providing water for crops and animals. It also provides a transportation route for people and goods. The river is a symbol of strength and power and plays an important role in the Egyptian economy. The Pyramids: Some of the most famous structures in the world, they were built as tombs for Pharaohs and their consorts.

  1. Egyptian Religion:

Ancient Egypt’s gods and goddesses dominated Egyptian religion, which was a complex system of beliefs. The Egyptians believed these gods and goddesses controlled nature’s forces and determined humans’ destinies. They built temples, carved statues to honor their gods, and held elaborate ceremonies to appease them. Although the details of Egyptian religion changed over time, its core beliefs remained constant.

  1. Pharaohs:

The pharaohs were rulers of ancient Egypt and considered gods incarnate. They ruled over a vast empire and presided over a prosperous civilization. The pharaohs were powerful and revered figures, and their legacy is still evident in modern times.

  1. Egyptian Art:

Common motifs include gods and animals and images of daily life. This rich artistic tradition was first developed in the early Dynastic Period (c.3150-2613 BCE) when artists began working in a more naturalistic style. Over the centuries, Egyptian art would undergo several changes but always retained its distinctive flair.

  1. The Rosetta stone:

The Rosetta stone has been called “the key to Egyptian hieroglyphs” because it provides the first known complete translation of an Egyptian hieroglyphic text. There are ancient Greek texts on top and hieroglyphic texts on bottom.

Because deciphering the hieroglyphs was only possible after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, it played a crucial role in opening up Ancient Egyptian culture and history to the Western world. So, before your tour to Egypt, consider the facts.


In conclusion, our tour to Egypt was a resounding success! We saw everything we wanted to see and more. Our knowledgeable guide, Ahmed, showed us around the pyramids, the Sphinx, and other famous landmarks. We even got to experience a traditional Egyptian meal and watch a belly dancing performance! Visiting this amazing country again would be a dream come true for us.

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