Tips In Buying A Pokemon GO Account

Estimated read time 3 min read

Everyone these days is playing Pokemon GO. It has become a worldwide phenomenon. Because it is so popular players are all trying to have the best accounts possible. Sadly, not everyone has the time to make their accounts the best. Even if you do not have the time, this does not mean you can’t be the best. There is a growing market of players looking to sell their accounts. Since there are many sellers you can buy pokemon go accounts with high levels and Pokemon stats. This is by far the easiest way to get to the level you want with the Pokemon you wish for. Before you buy pokemon go accounts keep in mind these tips.

Pokemon GO Account

Make Sure The Account Is Well Worth The Buy

The first thing you will want to do is make sure the account is worth the buy. Check the player level and all the Pokemon in the Pokedex. These two factors are what will make a good account. Since these accounts probably are not cheap, you will want to make sure you are getting the best. Take your time when looking around and do not rush into buying an account at first glance. Really take an in-depth look into the pros can cons of the accounts you want. This will save you any grief and regret in the future.

Find Out Why It’s For Sale

The next thing you will want to do is find out why it is for sale. More often than it is because a player is simply tired of playing. Or it could be they plan on making a second account. These reasons are totally fine. What you do need to watch out for is if the account has been flagged in any way. If the account is flagged for one reason or another, its best to stay away from it. This is because flagged accounts have more chances of being deactivated or banned from play. You do not want to buy an account just to have it banned days later.

Do Some Online Searches

If you are a beginner, chances are you will not know everything you need about Pokemon. In this case, it is best to do some online research. When you research find out what the most sought after Pokemons are. This way you can look for accounts that have them and get the best bang for your buck. After all, getting a rare Pokemon in your pocket should be one big goal of the game.

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